Team Biographies

Paola Liverani
I am the Founder and Team Leader of the Fun & Fitness Language Practice Center and BBrainy® Smart School – Outdoor Learning, which is an innovative multilingual homeschool for students ranging from birth to 18 years of age.
Professor Liverani has a Bachelor’s degree in Italian Language and Literature, as well as degrees in Pedagogy from the University of Bologna and Psychology from the University Salesiana of Rome/S.Giorgio Island in Venice. She is fluent in both Italian and English and specializes in providing learning support to children with learning difficulties and advanced children classified as gifted.
As the Chief Learning and Research Officer for IRSEF, which is accredited under the Ministry of Education, Professor Liverani focuses on effective strategies for teaching and learning foreign languages. She has gained experience as a Counselor Trainer, Life Coach, Language Coach, and Teachers Trainer in different countries.
Professor Liverani has delivered lectures for Masters courses and seminars in universities throughout Italy and America while serving as a full-time professor and specialist in teaching English. She is also the Language Coach Trainer for the BBrainy® Smart School and BBrainy® YouTube Channel.
In addition to her experience gained from American and English college education, she also uses her experience gained since childhood and works with enthusiasm. She has a Master’s degree in Italian Didactics and a Master’s degree in Education Management. She is a National Certification Professor for Roma Tre University for the “Italian Language Certification for foreigners” and for the ESOL English Language Certification.
Professor Liverani has invested many years and gained experience all over the world in training teachers. She has trained in Thailand, the UK, and throughout America, and believes in giving teachers the skills and attitude to develop their own methodology. She enjoys being an international trainer and has created her own philosophy and methodology to train teachers by gaining international cultural experience.
Professor Liverani is also a journalist and publicist for the magazines “La Critica” and “One Magazine.” She not only lives in Italy but also in Miami Beach in the United States, where she founded the Fun & Fitness Language Practice Center ©. This center provides language learning through Kinesthetic Learning, which is learning through fitness activities and movement with psycho-physical well-being and healthy nutrition. The activities are active all year round, both online and in-person, and are aimed at students of all ages and professions for learning or certified language enhancement anywhere in the world.
She is the author of “Crescere bilingue,” Armando Editore – her new book for teachers, educators, and parents to raise bilingual kids and gifted education strategies.
Her favorite quote that speaks her mind is “Take your passion and make it happen!” You can join Professor Liverani’s methodology through the BBrainy® YouTube Channel and for full immersion Language Classes by Fun & Fitness Language Practice Center ©, or for Homeschooling/Outdoor Learning activities by BBrainy® Smart School.

Fun & Fitness Language Practice Center ©
in collaboration with Friends of Europe A.P.S.
Via Canal Grande, 46 – 48018 Faenza (Ravenna)
Fiscal code: 90029010395
VAT number: 02423610399